Russia & FSU

Explosion in Russian city center caused by missile – governor

The Russian city of Taganrog has been hit by a missile, with multiple civilians injured, the local governor has saidExplosion in Russian city center caused by missile – governor

Explosion in Russian city center caused by missile – governor

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An explosion on Friday in the southwest Russian port city of Taganrog was caused by a missile strike, the governor of Rostov Region has said. The blast rocked the city center, damaging multiple buildings and vehicles. 

Vasily Golubev said that at least 15 people received mild injuries from blast fragments, and are now being treated by medics.

“In the center of Taganrog… a supposed missile has exploded. Rescuers are at the scene. There are no fatalities, but there are several injured,” Golubev wrote on social media.

So far, there has been official information on the type of missile that struck the city. The projectile left a large crater, footage from the scene shows. Spherical pieces of shrapnel, believed to have been released by the missile, have been reportedly recovered from the scene.


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