After decades of abuse by the US, some Latin American countries seem to find Beijing’s approach attractive By Timur Fomenko, a…
20.11.20220 131
Biden’s assurances to China change nothing
The US president only seems to be relenting toward Beijing because his party survived the midterm elections and he doesn’t…
Quelle: © Avishek DasTikTok: Social-Media-Plattform und Datenkrake Von Désirée Lambert Social-Media-Apps erfreuen sich weltweiter Beliebtheit. Sie verbinden uns nicht…
20.11.20220 150
Chinese refiners seek more Russian oil – Bloomberg
State firms ask for assistance from Beijing ahead of EU sanctions © Getty Images / CHUNYIP WONG China’s largest oil companies…
Washington’s hegemony, which it calls the “rules-based international order,” is at stake, Lloyd Austin has declared Lloyd Austin delivers remarks…
20.11.20220 138
China accuses UK of violating international trade rules
London has ordered the reversal of a major deal in the technology sector FILE PHOTO. © AP / Andy Wong…
No diplomatic boycotts are being staged despite Qatar’s harsh LGBTQ laws and alleged worker abuses. Compare and contrast this with…
Michael Bloomberg has acknowledged that guests at a Singapore conference were “insulted or offended” by the ex-UK PM Michael Bloomberg…
Quelle: AFP © Sergei SupinskyZivilisten suchen Schutz in einer Unterführung im Zentrum der ukrainischen Hauptstadt Kiew während eines russischen Raketenangriffs…
19.11.20220 134
Bali und die versäumten Chancen
Quelle: © Christoph Soeder/dpaLeere Stühle in Nusa Dua auf Bali nach dem G20-Gipfel, 16. November 2022 Von Dr. Karin…