LeBron James has questioned the media reporting surrounding fellow basketball star Kyrie Irving James addressed the media with his concerns.…
03.06.20220 162
Angry boyfriend destroys museum’s priceless artifacts
A Dallas man cut a swath of destruction through an art museum because he was mad at his girlfriend, police…
25.05.20220 163
FBI uncovers ‘ISIS plot’ to assassinate George W. Bush
The man planned to smuggle ISIS operatives into the US to kill the former president, the FBI claims FILE PHOTO.…
20.05.20220 165
Democrat blames ‘white supremacy’ for shooting by black man
Alleged Dallas Koreatown hate crime by black suspect results from ‘white supremacy replacement theorist,’ congresswoman says US Representative Joyce Beatty…
02.04.20220 168
US central bank warns of housing bubble
Surging home prices are “unhinged” from market fundamentals, but correction won’t be as devastating as 2007-2009 crisis, Fed says © Getty…