01.09.20220 155
Sanctions hinder Russian gas flow to EU – Gazprom
The Nord Stream 1 pipeline is shut down for repairs © Getty Images / picture alliance / Contributor Western sanctions could…
01.09.20220 142
Germany made ‘fantastic admission’ – Lavrov
The Russian FM’s comment came after his German counterpart said Berlin would back Kiev no matter what its own people…
Quelle: © Kay Nietfeld/dpaNach der Klausurtagung in Meseberg: Finanzminister Christian Lindner (FDP), Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) und Wirtschaftsminister Robert…
Quelle: © Sebastian KahnertHafen von Świnoujście (ehemals Swinemünde), Polen, 19.11.2020 Nach einer Meldung des Handelsblatts könnte Polen im Winter…
01.09.20220 137
Germany hunts for ‘Russian spies’ in government – Zeit
Economic Ministry officials are suspected of Kremlin sympathies over documents “deviating” from the government line German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (L)…
31.08.20220 139
Um Russland zu umgehen: EU kauft Flüssiggas aus China
Quelle: © VCG / VCGArchivfoto: Ein Tanker ist in Chinas erstem LNG-Terminal mit zwei Liegeplätzen in der Millionenmetropole Tianjin…
31.08.20220 153
Russia has enough gas for at least 100 years – Gazprom
The vast deposits around the northern Yamal Peninsula will play a crucial role in the nation’s energy future, the company…
31.08.20220 133
European gas prices surge as Russia reduces supplies
The key pipeline to the EU has been shut down for 72-hour maintenance © Getty Images / Anna Tanukevic / EyeEm…
Quelle: © imago stock&peopleViele Endverbraucher von Energielieferungen ihrer Stadtwerke können die hohen Energiepreise nicht mehr bezahlen. Die Stadtwerke selbst…
31.08.20220 140
EU turns to China for surplus LNG – FT
The bloc has been searching for alternative energy sources amid dwindling supplies from Russia © Getty Images / CHUNYIP WONG EU…