© Hoptocopter / E+Symbolbild Arbeitgeber und Gewerkschaften haben gemeinschaftlich vor einem Importstopp von russischem Gas nach Deutschland gewarnt. Sanktionen müssten…
Quelle: © PirankaSymbolbild Die Menschen in Ost- und Westdeutschland reagieren nach einer repräsentativen Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts Civey unter 10.000…
18.04.20220 173
Handwerk schlägt Alarm: Preise für Dachziegel steigen enorm an
© Steffen Leiprecht / EyeEmSymbolbild Eine anhaltend hohe Nachfrage, ein begrenztes Angebot und erheblich gestiegene Energiekosten führen nach Branchenangaben zu…
17.04.20220 175
Trade body predicts who will suffer most from gas price spike
Rising energy costs will have a greater impact on European countries than on the US, the WTO says © Getty Images…
16.04.20220 160
Biden breaks campaign promise
US will resume selling leases to drill for oil and gas FILE PHOTO © Pixabay / jp26jp The US Bureau…
16.04.20220 173
US should pay France for loss of Russian gas – Le Pen
The presidential candidate says costs will soar if the EU bans Russian energy © Getty Images / PM Images The US…
16.04.20220 159
Germans urged to cut back on hot showers to save gas
An energy regulator warns supplies will last until early autumn if Russian gas is cut off © Getty Images / John…
Moscow is awaiting decisions from other importers, Alexander Novak says © Global Look Press / Nikolay Gyngazov Several buyers of Russian…
15.04.20220 154
Italy rejects ruble payment for Russian gas
The Italian Foreign Ministry says giving in to Moscow’s “blackmail” would violate EU sanctions © AFP / Alberto Pizzoli Russia’s…
15.04.20220 157
Britain to ramp up gas transit to Europe – reports
Exports are expected to surge as the continent shies away from using Russian energy LNG storage in Kent, Britain © Global…