08.01.20230 113
Google disputes Android antitrust ruling – Reuters
US giant wants India’s Supreme Court to block ruling that forces Google to change its business model there, news outlet…
Quelle: Legion-media.ru © KPixMining(Symbolbild) Die Nachrichtenagentur RIA Nowosti hat mit dem russischen Vizeaußenminister Oleg Syromolotow über die Cybersicherheit vor dem…
28.12.20220 119
Google slammed for ‘grotesque antisemitic’ search result
The engine described “Jew” as a verb meaning “miserly or petty” FILE PHOTO: A Star of David with stones on…
Quelle: www.globallookpress.com © Cristobal Basaure Araya/Keystone Press Agency /Global Look PressSymbolbild: Präsident Gabriel Boric, 6. November 2022, Chile. Das palästinensische…
08.12.20220 125
Google told to remove ‘inaccurate’ information
The EU’s top court has ruled that the search engine must remove data from search results if users can prove…
06.12.20220 143
Russia orders replacement for Apple, Google Pay – media
Both payment services are no longer available in the country due to Western sanctions © Getty Images / Tim Robberts Russian…
05.12.20220 120
US Republican leader calls for Big Tech investigation
Companies like Facebook and Google have become “arms of the Democratic Party,” Kevin McCarthy said Kevin McCarthy speaks with reporters…
26.11.20220 128
Elon Musk mulls ‘alternative’ to Apple and Google
The billionaire said he could launch his own smartphone if Twitter is booted off popular platforms FILE PHOTO: A phone…
01.11.20220 119
Nach Anzeige: YouTube und Co. droht endgültiges Aus in Russland
Symbolbild Der als Gründer der sogenannten “Wagner”-Truppe bekannte Geschäftsmann Jewgeni Prigoschin hat Anzeige gegen den Google-Konzern erstattet und die russische…
26.10.20220 147
India slaps Google with antitrust order
The tech giant was ordered to allow app developers to use third-party payment systems FILE PHOTO: Google CEO Sundar Pichai…