Quelle: Gettyimages.ru © lycandiSymbolbild Der russische Parlamentspräsident Wjatscheslaw Wolodin hat die Bildung einer neuen Organisation der wirtschaftlich stärksten Staaten der…
11.06.20220 158
Iran and Venezuela sign major deal – media
The details of the agreement have not yet been disclosed © Getty Images / Anadolu Agency Iran and Venezuela signed a…
11.06.20220 140
US Congress proposes anti-Iran alliance
Lawmakers propose integrated air defense net for Israel and nine Arab countries FILE PHOTO: Israeli Iron Dome air defense system…
Quelle: AFP © Alex HaladaDer Generaldirektor der Internationalen Atomenergie-Organisation (IAEO) Rafael Grossi präsentiert am 17. Dezember 2021 am Hauptsitz der…
10.06.20220 148
Greek court rules on seizure of Iranian oil
An appeals court in Greece has overturned a decision that allowed the US to confiscate fuel from a detained tanker,…
Quelle: www.globallookpress.com © Kremlin Pool/Global Look PressDer syrische Präsident Baschar al-Assad zu Besuch bei seinem russischem Amtskollegen Wladimir Putin in…
Un inspector de la Agencia Internacional de Energía Atómica instala un equipo de vigilancia en la Instalación de Conversión de…
09.06.20220 168
Israel updates Iran attack plans
The stepped-up preparations follow multiple upgrades to Israel’s F-35 fighter jet and a massive round of air drills FILE PHOTO:…
08.06.20220 182
Iran shuts down nuclear watchdog’s cameras
Tehran says it will stop ‘voluntary’ cooperation with IAEA outside of Nonproliferation Treaty FILE PHOTO. © Global Look Press /…
08.06.20220 181
Train derailment leaves at least 17 dead
A rescue operation is still underway in Iran, and some of the injured are in a critical condition © RIA…