Majid Saeedi / Gettyimages.ru Irán no abandonará los planes para vengar la muerte del general iraní Qassem Soleimani, asesinado en un ataque…
22.04.20220 169
Iran says won’t abandon avenging killed general
Qassem Soleimani was killed in a US drone strike two years ago People hold portraits of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Major…
18.04.20220 165
Iran warns Israel
On National Army Day, President Ebrahim Raisi warned the “Zionist regime” against making “the smallest movement” on Iran Iranian President…
The current economic measures imposed on Russia remind experts of Iran’s confrontation with the West © Getty Images / Maria…
10.04.20220 165
The most sanctioned country on earth unveiled
Russia tops infamous list that includes Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, and Myanmar © Getty Images / Arkadij-sh The thousands…
10.04.20220 156
Iran seizes ‘foreign ship’
The vessel is said to have been carrying smuggled fuel FILE PHOTO. © AFP / Atta Kenare Naval forces of Iran’s…
10.04.20220 183
US officials slapped with sanctions
Iran has imposed penalties on 24 former government and military leaders amid stalled talks in Vienna on restoring nuclear deal…
Quelle: AFP © Win McnameeUS-Verteidigungsminister Lloyd Austin und General Mark Milley, der Vorsitzende des Vereinigten Generalstabs der Streitkräfte der Vereinigten…
The Iranian Hulk has denied suggestions he is to blame for his fight with Martyn Ford falling apart © Instagram…
05.04.20220 181
Iran warnt USA vor Einmischung in Pakistan
Quelle: Gettyimages.ru Symbolbild Der Sprecher des iranischen Außenministeriums Said Chatibsadeh hat erklärt, dass Teheran die politischen Entwicklungen im Nachbarland Pakistan…