The Serbian president addressed a shootout in the breakaway region that left several people dead Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic shows…
24.09.20230 97
Austrian NATO cheerleader calls for bombing of Belgrade
Gunther Fehlinger, known for his inflammatory social media posts, said a shootout in Kosovo was a “Serb war” against the…
24.09.20230 92
Tensions escalate in Kosovo over deadly attack on police
A Kosovo police patrol has been attacked in the northern part of the breakaway region, its prime minister Albin Kurti…
Quelle: AFP Ein Wagen der kosovarischen Militärpolizei in der Nähe des Dorfes Banjska Im Norden Kosovos kam es am Sonntagmorgen…
24.09.20230 106
Fake euros accepted as payment in Kosovo
Rampant money forgery has flooded the region with counterfeit coins © Getty Images / MarekUsz Baristas in Kosovo cafes have given…
Quelle: AFP © Alex HaladaDer serbische Präsident Aleksandar Vučić während einer Pressekonferenz nach dem Migrationsgipfel in Wien am 7. Juli…
16.09.20230 109
Serbian president responds to ‘suffer and pay’ Kosovo threat
Aleksandar Vucic said he would have been hanged in the West if he had said such things Serbia’s President Aleksandar…
Quelle: www.globallookpress.com © Britta PedersenAlban Kurti beim Westbalkangipfel, 03.11.2022 Von Marinko Učur Neben der aktiven Teilnahme am Ukraine-Konflikt aufseiten Selenskijs…
Quelle: www.globallookpress.com © Britta PedersenAlban Kurti beim Westbalkangipfel, 03.11.2022 Von Marinko Učur Neben der aktiven Teilnahme am Ukraine-Konflikt aufseiten Selenskijs…
Moscow has accused Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s administration of covering up the black-market organ trade FILE PHOTO. © Global Look…