02.01.20230 121
Bei solchen Freunden braucht Taiwan keine Feinde
Quelle: Gettyimages.ru © Ratima Sritangwong/EyeEmBeabsichtigen die USA, Taiwan “zu retten”, indem sie es zerstören? Blick auf die Inselhauptstadt Taipeh Eine…
Quelle: Legion-media.ru © Ievgen ChabanovSymbolbild Von Timur Fomenko Kurz vor Weihnachten hat der US-Kongress das Autorisierungsgesetz für die nationale Verteidigung (National…
29.12.20220 130
Washington unveils major arms deal with Taiwan
The weapons will improve the island’s “asymmetric combat capabilities,” Taipei has said M977 HEMTT truck with M136 Volcano mine dispensing…
29.12.20220 132
China fumes after Japanese visit to Taiwan
Taipei’s leader pressed for deeper security cooperation with Tokyo during a meeting with a top Japanese lawmaker FILE PHOTO: Chinese…
28.12.20220 113
Beijing warns Taiwan against using people as ‘cannon fodder’
Dying for Taiwan’s separatist activities would be ”worthless,” China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman has warned FILE PHOTO: Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman…
27.12.20220 119
Taiwan makes ‘difficult’ decision to counter Beijing
From 2024, draftees will remain in the military more than twice as long as they do now, President Tsai Ing-wen…
27.12.20220 124
Hawks in Congress may drag the US into conflict over Taiwan
Even if the Biden administration would like to hold back on provoking China, American legislators keep testing Beijing’s red lines…
27.12.20220 116
US ‘concerned’about China’s activity near Taiwan
Washington would continue to assist Taipei in maintaining its self-defense capability, a White House official told AP FILE PHOTO. © …
Quelle: www.globallookpress.com © Wang Yijie / XinHuaChinesische Kampfjets (Symbolbild) 16.09.2022 Am Montag teilte das Verteidigungsministerium von Taiwan mit, dass in…
26.12.20220 117
“Hört mit der Salamitaktik auf”, fordert China von den USA
Quelle: Gettyimages.ru © simon2579 / DigitalVision VectorsSymbolbild Washington müsse seinen “alten Trick des einseitigen Mobbings” gegenüber Peking aufgeben, erklärte der…