18.07.20220 143
Germany and France ‘killed’ Minsk agreements – Russia
Berlin and Paris torpedoed the 2015 ceasefire deal for Donbass by shielding Kiev’s non-compliance, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said…
Sergey Shoigu gave the command as he inspected troops of the ‘East’ grouping in Ukraine Ukrainian servicemen fire with a…
Quelle: AFP © Tobias SchwarzOlaf Scholz von Alexander Dawydow Die sogenannte “Erinnerungskultur” war ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der außenpolitischen Strategie im…
Quelle: AP © Efrem LukatskyUkrainische Soldaten werden auf Panzern transportiert (Archivbild) Eine Analyse von Michail Chodarjonok Die Teilnehmer des NATO-Gipfels…
The industry needs a “clear signal” from governments on what to build and whether it will be bought, Northrop Grumman’s…
17.07.20220 142
Next UK PM must know ‘biggest threat’ is Russia – military chief
The challenge posed by Moscow could endure for decades, the head of the British Armed Forces says © Chris Jackson…
17.07.20220 147
Former Russian president warns of ‘Judgement Day’
Dmitry Medvedev has threatened the Ukrainian leadership with a massive strike should Kiev attack Crimea Dmitry Medvedev © Ekaterina Shtukina…
How Kiev has tried to dehumanize people in its former East – first domestically, then everywhere By Vladislav Ugolny, a Russian journalist…
Quelle: © Leon NealIm Bild: Die Exponate der Nationalen Kunstgalerie Lwow werden für die Evakuierung vorbereitet Ein Bericht von…
17.07.20220 134
Ukraine threatened with ‘crushing blow’
Kiev will pay a heavy price if it decides to strike Crimea, a Russian MP warns Russian warship fires a…